Monday, April 26, 2010

April 24, 2010: Colorado Bend State Park

Dinner and a Show
We met up with seven other San Antonio-area families on Friday at Colorado Bend State Park. The park is sort of between San Saba, Lampassas, Llano and Egypt. The kids played in the river. The grown-ups set-up camp and dinner. After sunset, a herd of kids played flashlight tag - which gets tricky when every other child was systematically "taken out" tripping over tent stakes. The grown-ups chatted, star gazed and noticed clouds creeping into the sky. Thankfully, the rain began right after everyone had retired to their tents for the evening. Torrential down pour, thunder, lightening and gusty winds entertained us for most of the night.

Here Comes the Sun
Saturday, we woke up to sunshine and a not too wet tent - amazing considering the weather the night before. Mark made us some excellent breakfast tacos (and coffee!) Most of the families then headed over to hike the Gorhman Falls Trail. I have lived here all but six months of my life and had no idea that Texas has water falls like this!

After lunch, most of the families hiked over to the swimming holes on the Spicewood Springs Trail. Hot feet, cold water - happy campers!

At twilight, the group had a big pot luck supper followed by music by a few guitar and ukulele players in our midst. It was a very clear night, so Mark removed the rain fly from the tent. Our kids fell asleep under the stars.

Colorado Bend State Park is a Gem. 
You can camp, hike, bike, float the river, swim, fly fish and more. It has primitive campgrounds, so be prepared for the composting "outhouses." Not my favorite, but survivable for a couple of days. Honestly, there are SO many great state parks in Texas to pick from - go check out If you have a moment, let me know your fav's and why you like them.

Happy Camping! ...and we'll keep you posted.

All images on this blog are copyright of Mark Humphries Photography. (click here)

1 comment:

HiHoOhio said...

great fun had by all, so it seems!