Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Corner of Urban Wildflowers

They Were So Awesome This Year
These images are from early May when the flowers on our curb were still blooming crazy. The corner hummed with bees and butterflies (and dogs barking at cats chasing said bees and butterflies.) Last year, this corner was dusty and dry with the drought, but look what a lot of rain and a great neighbor with a bunch of wildflower seeds can render. (Thank you, David!)

Letting Things Go to Seed
We did let all the plants go to seed before Mark mowed down the remains. Not much soaking rain on our corner lately. Things are on the verge of dry and crispy and it's only June. Here's to hope for rain, but not in quantities that wash away cows and cars.

1 comment:

HiHoOhio said...

we miss the old hood, looks lovely!